Eastern Area Tenants Service (EATS) offers free advice, information and help to renters who live in the Waverley, Woollahra and Randwick council areas in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs. We are funded by NSW Fair Trading and the majority of our funding comes from the interest earned on tenants’ bonds.
EATS helps renters in private rental and public housing, boarders and lodgers and people living in share-houses. We are not able to advise landlords or head-tenants who have a dispute with their sub-tenants.
EATS provides advice between 9:30am - 5:00pm from Monday to Friday. If you are a renter and you need advice, please call us on 02 9386 9147 or lodge a web enquiry here
Providing free information, advice and advocacy to renters in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs
Phone: (02) 9386 9147
Every 18 minutes, a renter in NSW is evicted by their landlord on 'no grounds'. The threat of eviction also prevents tenants from asking their landlord for basic things they are entitled to, like having repairs done, because they are afraid that they will be forced to leave.
The NSW Government is currently considering reforms to tenancy law in NSW and they need to end no grounds evictions for all renters. You can add your voice to thousands of others who are telling the Government that this change needs to happen now, by sending a letter here